Honey Nutmeg Cinnamon Face Mask 

When I decided to change to a paleo lifestyle I also thought about cleaning up my skin care routine. I’ve always had a pretty good skin care plan but wanted to stray away from store bought cleansers and masks. 
Living in the south the heat and humidity make it hard to keep clean skin and clean pores, after some research I decided to try something new!

For this mask you will be using raw honey, ground cinnamon, and ground nutmeg. That’s it! Simple and made with ingredients found in your pantry. 

Start with about 1-2 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of nutmeg and cinnamon. Mix all ingredients and create paste. 

Honey is a natural antibacterial humectant and great for acne treatment and prevention. Cinnamon is one of the best natural antiseptics and will help reduce the amount of bacteria on the surface of your skin, while also stimulating and revitalizing it by drawing blood, nutrients, and oxygen to the surface. Nutmeg exfoliates the skin reducing blemishes and getting rid of blackheads! This mask will leave your face refreshed and glowing! Plus it smells like dessert so sit back and enjoy!! 


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